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Pad Printing Machine Introduction
移印机是一种采用移动式印刷法进行印刷的机器。所谓移印法,就是 将要印刷的图案和文字通过正片菲林"投像"在钢 板上,蚀刻成具有一 定深度的凹版,把凹版安置在油墨盘上,机器工作时自动上墨并刮掉图案 以外的油墨,然后胶印头(简称 胶头)压向凹版,把图案油墨取走,转 移到被印物体上.
移印机广泛应用于日用品﹑玩具﹑制笔﹑电子﹑电器﹑塑料﹑皮革﹑ 金属﹑玻璃﹑轻工及食品包装等行业.

Pad Printing Machine is a kind of machine which adopts transfer printing method, which renders images and characters to be printed visible on the steel plate through the positive film and etches them on the plate.The etched steel plate is then placed into the inkwell.Machine will pick up the ink and blade away the ink which is not on the images. Afterwards, pad presses the steel plate, picks up the ink on the images and then transfers the images onto the workpieces.
Pad printing machines can be widely applied in the field of commodity, toys, stationery, electric components, electric appliances, plastics, leather, metal, glass, light industry, food packaging, and so on.


General Application
本系列移印机型适用于各类电子产品的按键,如计算机键盘、手机 键盘﹑电子面板﹑电话机﹑游戏机以及钟表﹑玩具﹑日用品﹑礼品等 五金塑胶物件产品LOGO﹑图案文字印刷,也可针对特殊产品需求设计专 用机型..
我们在多年移印的生产经营中,积累了丰富的经验.根据客户的 需求形成一套自己独特的系列机型,各系列机型移印机完全能够满足 各类客户选择,另外我们还可以根据客户的实际要求进行量身定制..
Rich experience in pad printer production has been built since the start of our business, and a specific series of pad printers has come out to satisfy all customers' printing requirements. We can also offer the customized solutions for customers' special printing needs with the best cost performance. Machines of this series can be widely applied to print on various kinds of key-press electric components like computer, mobile phone, electric panel, telephone, game player, etc. Machine is also suitable to print on accessories of hardware or plastics like logo, toy, and commodity.
Special design is available according to customers' specific requirements.
油盘式供油系统,特点是经济环保。最大限度的减少油墨浪费和气味的 挥发。采用进口陶瓷杯球,使用寿命长,油墨可长时间放置油杯内, 浓度仍然稳定。
Adopts imported ceramic ring,sealed ink cup can maximally reduce ink waste and the evaporation of the srnell Ink can be stored in the cup for a long duration with stable viscosity. It's famous for being economic and environment-friendly.





多色转带式工作台主体部件采用铸铝合金制造,坚固耐用;研磨级滑轨 与创新定位设计确保多色套色印刷精准;德国品质精密气动元件提供强 大动力。特殊推送系统与减震装置保证运行稳定可靠。特点,印刷平稳、 准确、印刷效率高。

Multi-color rotary worktable with conveyor belt: Housed by cast aluminum alloy, it's solid and durable; precise slide rail and creative design guarantee two-color registration precision; 12-station worktable is powered by advanced components. The special conveying system and shock absorber guarantees machine's high speed and stableness.


多色直推式穿梭台选用优质合金加工,精密气动元件驱动滑台来回穿梭, 性能稳定可靠、移动精确、套位印刷效果出色。适合于3-5色一般尺寸 工件精确套色印刷。Multi-color shuttle worktable:

Housed by excellent alloy, driven by precise components, the shuttle worktable is suitable for multi-color(3-8) registration with its stable and precise performance.

C清洁装置 F油盅横走式结构 G热风系统
L直推式工作台 N胶头独立上下 P胶头横移结构

福建莆田荣龙精密机械有限公司 版权所有